Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 1
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                          Midget Girls 100 Meter Dash                          
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Renah Howell              12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        13.10  3    
          2 Lauren Facko              12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        14.12  3    
          3 Radiance Thompson         11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       14.25  3    
          4 Natalie Estevane          11 PACOIMA WILDCATS          14.47  4    
          5 Laura Gingrich            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        14.51  3    
          6 Alysia Walker             11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       14.61  3    
          7 Regge Jr. Prince          11 PACOIMA WILDCATS          14.99  4    
          8 Caitlyn Ramirez           11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.07  4    
          9 Christine Hacker          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.42  1    
         10 Kai-Lin Black             11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.43  1    
         11 Kasey Morales             11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.55  5    
         12 Jamese Davis              10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          15.57  3    
         12 Dania Warrington          11 PACOIMA WILDCATS          15.57  5    
         14 Tanya Yeghyaian           11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       15.70  2    
         15 Becky Feeney              10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       15.77  4    
         16 Charise Hall              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.80  4    
         17 Lynette Parks             10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       15.83  2    
         18 Nicole Sparkman           10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       16.08  4    
         19 Michelle Martinez         10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       16.17  1    
         20 Taja Howard               12 PACOIMA WILDCATS          16.18  5    
         21 Taizha Howard             10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          16.20  5    
         22 Sydney Tureaud            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.21  5    
         23 Stephanie Wolfe           10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.26  2    
         24 Ashley Tureaud            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.28  5    
         25 Julianne Bell             10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.37  2    
         26 Kaleigh Bagnall           10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.43  1    
         27 Lottie Cassidy            11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       17.00  2    
         28 Amber Borbon              11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        17.03  2    
         29 Jessica Baldi             11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        17.17  1    
         30 Colleen Talkin            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        17.56  1    
         31 Jasmine A Hall            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        17.62  1    
         32 Chelsea Shideler          11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       17.74  1    
         33 Devine Johnson            10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          17.76  5    
         34 Stevi Saindon             11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       18.10  5    
          - Ashley Nicholson           9 PACOIMA WILDCATS             NT  2    
          - Lanzrea Boullard          11 PACOIMA WILDCATS             DQ  4    
                          Midget Girls 200 Meter Dash                          
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Natalie Estevane          11 PACOIMA WILDCATS          30.71  1    
          2 Laura Gingrich            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        30.75  1    
          3 Lanzrea Boullard          11 PACOIMA WILDCATS          30.80  1    
          4 Radiance Thompson         11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       31.28  3    

Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 2
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                    Midget Girls 200 Meter Dash (Continued)                    
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          5 Regge Jr. Prince          11 PACOIMA WILDCATS          31.46  1    
          6 Christine Hacker          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        32.86  4    
          7 Caitlyn Ramirez           11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        33.22  2    
          8 Amanda Hastings           10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        33.62  3    
          9 Alysia Walker             11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       33.63  3    
         10 Michelle Martinez         10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       34.20  4    
         11 Lecreatia Nelson          10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          34.29  2    
         12 Jamese Davis              10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          34.60  1    
         13 Taizha Howard             10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          34.99  2    
         14 Sydney Tureaud            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        35.27  2    
         15 Ashley Tureaud            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        35.39  2    
         16 Stephanie Wolfe           10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        35.51  2    
         17 Amber Borbon              11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        36.63  4    
         18 Taja Howard               12 PACOIMA WILDCATS          37.77  1    
         19 Jessica Baldi             11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        37.80  4    
         20 Lottie Cassidy            11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       37.96  4    
         21 Lynette Parks             10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       38.70  3    
         22 Colleen Talkin            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        38.72  4    
         23 Stevi Saindon             11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       40.75  3    
         24 Devine Johnson            10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          41.02  2    
          - Ashley Nicholson           9 PACOIMA WILDCATS             NT  3    
                           Midget Girls 400 Meter Run                          
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME    HT   
     ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ==   
         1 Laura Gingrich            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:10.59  1   
         2 Caitlyn Ramirez           11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:15.70  2   
         3 Shana Chattman            12 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:16.47  1   
         4 Julianne Bell             10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:18.49  2   
         5 Tanya Yeghyaian           11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       1:20.90  2   
         6 Samantha Simons           12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:23.17  2   
         7 Jelisa Carr               10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:23.24  1   
         8 Tanasha Howard            11 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:32.60  1   
                           Midget Girls 800 Meter Run                          
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME        
      ===== ============================ ========================= =======     
          1 Courtney Granger          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        2:51.59     
          2 Jaci Casillas-Brown       10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        2:57.54     
          3 Nicole Sparkman           10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       3:03.79     
          4 Jacqueline Miller         11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       3:15.28     

Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 3
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                     Midget Girls 800 Meter Run (Continued)                    
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME        
      ===== ============================ ========================= =======     
          5 Samantha Simons           12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        3:19.61     
          6 Carolanne Trilling        11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        3:20.41     
          7 Becky Feeney              10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       3:36.48     
                          Midget Girls 1,500 Meter Run                         
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME        
      ===== ============================ ========================= =======     
          1 Courtney Granger          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        5:38.64     
          2 Jaci Casillas-Brown       10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        5:44.53     
          3 Carolanne Trilling        11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        6:35.04     
                          Midget Girls 3,000 Meter Run                         
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME        
      ===== ============================ ========================= ========    
          1 Courtney Granger          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        11:54.46    
          2 Jaci Casillas-Brown       10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        12:16.70    
          3 Carolanne Trilling        11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        13:32.02    
          4 Sarah Abbott              11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        14:34.66    
                       Midget Girls 80 Meter Low Hurdles                       
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
       PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME       
       ===== ============================ ========================= =====      
           1 Christine Hacker          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.69      
                         Midget Girls 4x100 Meter Relay                        
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
              PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME    HT            
              =====  =================================== ======= ==            
                  1  SCW       SANTA CLARITA WEST          56.39  1            
                  2  PAC       PACOIMA WILDCATS            58.49  1            
                  3  SCW  "B"  SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:00.89  1            
                  4  LAF       LOS ANGELES FALCONS       1:00.91  1            
                  5  PAC  "C"  PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:02.24  2            
                  6  SCW  "D"  SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:03.95  2            
                  7  SCW  "C"  SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:05.04  2            
                  8  SCW  "E"  SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:07.03  2            

Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 4
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                   Midget Girls 4x100 Meter Relay (Continued)                  
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
              PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME    HT            
              =====  =================================== ======= ==            
                  9  PAC  "B"  PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:07.95  1            
                         Midget Girls 4x400 Meter Relay                        
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
               PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME                 
               =====  =================================== =======              
                   1  PAC       PACOIMA WILDCATS          5:01.88              
                   2  LAF       LOS ANGELES FALCONS       6:10.12              
                   -  SCW       SANTA CLARITA WEST             DQ              
                             Midget Girls High Jump                            
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
        PLACE ATHLETE NAME           AGE TEAM                MARK              
        ===== ========================== =================== ========          
            1 Lauren Moore            12 SANTA CLARITA WEST  4'04.00"          
            2 Charise Hall            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  3'10.00"          
                             Midget Girls Long Jump                            
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
       PLACE ATHLETE NAME           AGE TEAM                MARK               
       ===== ========================== =================== =========          
           1 Renah Howell            12 SANTA CLARITA WEST  13'05.50"          
           2 Lauren Facko            12 SANTA CLARITA WEST  12'07.50"          
           3 Lauren Moore            12 SANTA CLARITA WEST  12'07.50"          
           4 Nicole Sparkman         10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS 11'02.00"          
           5 Amanda Hastings         10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  10'10.00"          
           6 Ashley Tureaud          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  10'05.00"          
           7 Sydney Tureaud          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  10'00.50"          
           8 Stephanie Wolfe         10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  10'00.25"          
           9 Michelle Martinez       10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS  9'09.50"          
          10 Stevi Saindon           11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS  9'08.00"          
          11 Kai-Lin Black           11 SANTA CLARITA WEST   9'06.50"          
          12 Jessica Baldi           11 SANTA CLARITA WEST   9'04.00"          
          13 Colleen Talkin          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST   9'02.00"          
          14 Kaleigh Bagnall         10 SANTA CLARITA WEST   9'01.00"          
          15 Jacqueline Miller       11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS  9'00.50"          
          16 Amber Borbon            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST   9'00.00"          
          17 Kasey Morales           11 SANTA CLARITA WEST   8'08.00"          
          18 Chelsea Shideler        11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS  7'06.00"          
          19 Lottie Cassidy          11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS  6'06.25"          

Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 5
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                             Midget Girls Shot Put                             
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
       PLACE ATHLETE NAME           AGE TEAM                MARK               
       ===== ========================== =================== =========          
           1 Radiance Thompson       11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS 22'06.00"          
           2 Jasmine A Hall          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST  21'10.00"          
           3 Alysia Walker           11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS 20'08.25"          
                           Midget Boys 100 Meter Dash                          
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Delano Howell             10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        13.14  1    
          2 Rene Howard               10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          13.57  2    
          3 Tyrone Millett            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        13.81  1    
          4 Deskin Goodwin Jr.        12 PACOIMA WILDCATS          13.88  1    
          5 Ian Marcheschi            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        13.93  3    
          6 Gabriel Mercer            11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       13.94  2    
          7 Frederick Jr Winborn      10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          14.07  2    
          8 Paul Ned                  10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          14.23  1    
          9 Patrick Phelps            11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       14.26  3    
         10 Bruce Sias                10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          14.38  4    
         11 Matt Brennan              12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        14.50  5    
         12 Curtis Smith              11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        14.54  2    
         13 David Johnson             10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       14.58  2    
         14 Dale Warrington           10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          14.67  4    
         15 Michael Lien              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        14.68  3    
         16 Blake Levingston          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        14.81  3    
         17 Shawn Horwith             11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       14.94  4    
         18 Stephen Smith             11 PACOIMA WILDCATS          14.99  4    
         19 Kalen Winn                11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       15.06  1    
         20 Gillonni Green            10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          15.09  5    
         21 Justin Sjoberg            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.11  1    
         22 Michael Peterson          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.44  3    
         23 Sean Peterson             12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.48  3    
         24 Christopher White         11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        15.83  5    
         25 Tyler Rost                12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.04  5    
         26 Steven Hopkins            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.18  5    
         27 Michael Davis             10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.23  3    
         28 William Muinos            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.27  5    
         29 David Baxter              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.40  6    
         30 Jeremy Kowalczyk          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.80  4    
         31 Robert Rush Iii           10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          16.96  6    
         32 Jed Harris                12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        16.96  6    
         33 Jeffrey Uberstine         10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        17.14  6    
         34 Chris Baker               10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        17.91  4    
         35 Trvor Jankowski           10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       18.41  5    
         36 Brad Johnson              11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        19.95  6    

Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 6
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                           Midget Boys 200 Meter Dash                          
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME  HT    
      ===== ============================ ========================= ===== ==    
          1 Delano Howell             10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        28.10  1    
          2 Ian Marcheschi            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        29.38  1    
          3 Tyrone Millett            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        29.79  1    
          4 Paul Ned                  10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          29.95  1    
          5 Frederick Jr Winborn      10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          30.62  1    
          6 Shawn Horwith             11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       31.24  2    
          7 Bruce Sias                10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          32.12  1    
          8 Gillonni Green            10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          33.00  2    
          9 Michael Lien              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        33.26  2    
         10 Matt Brennan              12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        33.46  3    
         11 Sean Peterson             12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        33.64  3    
         12 Michael Peterson          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        33.76  3    
         13 Michael Davis             10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        34.96  2    
         14 Christopher White         11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        35.90  2    
         15 David Baxter              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        36.70  2    
         16 Jed Harris                12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        37.01  3    
         17 William Fregoso           10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          37.24  3    
         18 Robert Rush Iii           10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          40.27  3    
         19 Brad Johnson              11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        40.97  3    
         20 Trvor Jankowski           10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       41.25  2    
         21 Chris Baker               10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        48.13  3    
                           Midget Boys 400 Meter Run                           
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME    HT   
     ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ==   
         1 Deskin Goodwin Jr.        12 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:07.39  1   
         2 Frederick Jr Winborn      10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:10.15  2   
         3 Rene Howard               10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:10.57  1   
         4 Paul Ned                  10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:11.95  1   
         5 Dale Warrington           10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:12.97  1   
         6 Gillonni Green            10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:13.46  2   
         7 Bruce Sias                10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:13.69  2   
         8 Matthew Kasdorf           10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:13.91  1   
         9 Justin Sjoberg            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:16.55  1   
        10 Sean Peterson             12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:17.07  1   
        11 Michael Peterson          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:17.29  2   
        12 Brandon Larry             10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:18.49  2   
        13 Tyler Rost                12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:18.94  2   
        14 William Fregoso           10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:24.44  1   
        15 Jeffrey Orlich            12 SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:26.39  2   
        16 Corey Hamilton            10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          1:31.25  2   

Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 7
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                           Midget Boys 800 Meter Run                           
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME        
      ===== ============================ ========================= =======     
          1 Ian Marcheschi            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        2:42.61     
          2 Tyler Coray               10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        2:43.36     
          3 Gustavo Viramontes        12 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       2:58.03     
          4 Kalen Winn                11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS       2:59.93     
          5 Angel Pralta              10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          3:02.12     
          6 Timothy Gould             11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        3:03.18     
          7 Michael Love              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        3:17.86     
                          Midget Boys 1,500 Meter Run                          
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME        
      ===== ============================ ========================= =======     
          1 Matthew Kasdorf           10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        5:29.21     
          2 Angel Pralta              10 PACOIMA WILDCATS          5:53.17     
          3 Timothy Gould             11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        5:59.51     
          4 Michael Love              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        6:06.28     
                          Midget Boys 3,000 Meter Run                          
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
      PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME        
      ===== ============================ ========================= ========    
          1 Matthew Hall              11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        11:27.09    
          2 Tyler Coray               10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        11:44.80    
          3 Michael Love              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        12:32.03    
                        Midget Boys 80 Meter Low Hurdles                       
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
       PLACE ATHLETE NAME             AGE TEAM                      TIME       
       ===== ============================ ========================= =====      
           1 Matthew Kasdorf           10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        17.35      
           2 Jeremy Kowalczyk          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST        17.44      
           3 Michael Lien              10 SANTA CLARITA WEST        21.36      
                         Midget Boys 4x100 Meter Relay                         
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
               PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME                 
               =====  =================================== =======              
                   1  PAC       PACOIMA WILDCATS            56.24              
                   2  LAF       LOS ANGELES FALCONS         56.87              

Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 8
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                   Midget Boys 4x100 Meter Relay (Continued)                   
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
               PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME                 
               =====  =================================== =======              
                   3  PAC  "B"  PACOIMA WILDCATS            57.85              
                   4  SCW       SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:01.72              
                   5  SCW  "B"  SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:05.07              
                   6  SCW  "C"  SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:09.17              
                   7  SCW  "D"  SANTA CLARITA WEST        1:17.13              
                   -  SCW  "E"  SANTA CLARITA WEST             DQ              
                         Midget Boys 4x400 Meter Relay                         
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
               PLACE  RELAY     AFFILIATION               TIME                 
               =====  =================================== =======              
                   1  LAF       LOS ANGELES FALCONS       4:50.75              
                   2  SCW       SANTA CLARITA WEST        4:54.56              
                   3  PAC       PACOIMA WILDCATS          4:56.02              
                             Midget Boys High Jump                             
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
        PLACE ATHLETE NAME           AGE TEAM                MARK              
        ===== ========================== =================== ========          
            1 Tyrone Millett          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST  4'04.00"          
            2 Patrick Phelps          11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS 4'02.00"          
            3 Christopher White       11 SANTA CLARITA WEST  3'10.00"          
            4 Jeffrey Uberstine       10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  3'04.00"          
                             Midget Boys Long Jump                             
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
       PLACE ATHLETE NAME           AGE TEAM                MARK               
       ===== ========================== =================== =========          
           1 Gabriel Mercer          11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS 13'06.75"          
           2 Shawn Horwith           11 LOS ANGELES FALCONS 12'08.75"          
           3 Steven Hopkins          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  11'08.00"          
           4 Curtis Smith            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST  11'07.75"          
           5 Justin Sjoberg          11 SANTA CLARITA WEST  11'07.75"          
           6 David Johnson           10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS 11'05.00"          
           7 Blake Levingston        10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  11'03.25"          
           8 Tyler Rost              12 SANTA CLARITA WEST  10'08.00"          
           9 Matt Brennan            12 SANTA CLARITA WEST  10'05.00"          
          10 Michael Davis           10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  10'01.75"          
          11 William Fregoso         10 PACOIMA WILDCATS     9'07.50"          
          12 William Muinos          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST   9'07.25"          
          13 Brandon Larry           10 PACOIMA WILDCATS     9'04.00"          

Valley Youth Conf. - A                                    Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER
                     SCW vs LA Falcons and Pacoima Wildcats              Page 9
                   College of the Canyons - Saturday 04/01/00                  
                           COMPLETE RESULTS - FINALS                           
                       Midget Boys Long Jump (Continued)                       
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
       PLACE ATHLETE NAME           AGE TEAM                MARK               
       ===== ========================== =================== =========          
          14 David Baxter            10 SANTA CLARITA WEST   9'03.00"          
          15 Jed Harris              12 SANTA CLARITA WEST   9'01.75"          
          16 Jeffrey Orlich          12 SANTA CLARITA WEST   8'05.25"          
          17 Corey Hamilton          10 PACOIMA WILDCATS     8'00.25"          
          18 Trvor Jankowski         10 LOS ANGELES FALCONS  8'00.00"          
          19 Christopher Bray        11 PACOIMA WILDCATS     7'04.50"          
                              Midget Boys Shot Put                             
                      Finals - Results  - Saturday 04/01/00                    
       PLACE ATHLETE NAME           AGE TEAM                MARK               
       ===== ========================== =================== =========          
           1 Brad Johnson            11 SANTA CLARITA WEST  23'06.75"          
           2 Blake Levingston        10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  21'07.00"          
           3 Aaron Jr. Phillips      11 PACOIMA WILDCATS    21'05.00"          
           4 Brandon Larry           10 PACOIMA WILDCATS    20'06.00"          
           5 Robert Rush Iii         10 PACOIMA WILDCATS    20'02.50"          
           6 Christopher Bray        11 PACOIMA WILDCATS    19'06.00"          
           7 Sean Latreille          12 SANTA CLARITA WEST  18'10.50"          
           8 Justin Fischer          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  16'08.00"          
           9 Chris Baker             10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  15'00.50"          
          10 William Muinos          10 SANTA CLARITA WEST  14'09.00"