Burbank Vikings


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Burbank Vikings

To All Parents and Athletes
Welcome to the 2016 season of the Burbank Vikings Track Team! We are a non-profit, all volunteer organization devoted to youth through athletics. Our goal is to provide a positive and nurturing environment for our youth ages 5 to 18.Track and field is a sport that is great training for all sports. Whether its Football, Basketball, Soccer, or Baseball, Track and field will improve your speed, build endurance and coordination. Because we are all-volunteer organization, your help, support, and cooperation is critical for our program to be a success. We require each parent/guardian to participate in helping with various club duties i.e meet volunteers, coaching, ribbons, first aide, assisting at other club meets when we are visitors,etc. Together we can create the best environment for the success of your athlete. All practices will take place at Burbank High School with Saturday competitions starting in March. We are proud to be a part of the Valley Youth Conference that consists of 16 teams throughout the San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, Antelope Valley, and Pasadena. We look forward to a very successful track season!


The Vikings Track Board

League Division: Western


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